Shocking Video: Doctors removed implants from a woman’s breast and they were shocked – VIDEO

Ana Zigenhorn from Florida in 2011, started to gain weight and experience other health issues and her life changed big time.

 Many doctors she visited could not determine the cause until they decided to open her chest and discovered mold.

Shocking Video Doctors removed implants from a woman’s breast and they were shocked – VIDEO

She is a loving mother of two kids and the time when she started to gain weight her vision started to blur and felt pain all over her body. In a period of nine months she could not even speak and communicated with stickers and wrote on a chalkboard.

She went to many specialists, yet no one could figure out what the reason for her condition was. Lupus, joint inflammation and issues with the thyroid were immediately smothered and there appeared to be no answer until Dr. Susan Kolb, creator of “The Naked Truth about Breast Implants,” did not bring up that the wellbeing state of the patient could twist the mold around the silicone inserts. When the inserts were uprooted, the indications started to subside.

Zigerhorn still keeps a video on her mobile phone, which demonstrates what going on in her body. She thinks that the implant contained mold, which over the years slowly made the impact on her body.

This kind of case is not just with Ana Zigenhorn, there are many others with exact problems. While a representative for the US Food and Drug Administration expresses that there have been no comparative protestations regarding implants, but states that implants still ought to be changed from time to time.

Specialist Kolb, then again, guarantees that she has cured a large number of patients experiencing the same problem and teaches patients that implants ought to be changed every 8 to 15 years.

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What kind of woman are you according to the month in which you are born

Find out what are your characteristics according to the month in which you are born…

What kind of woman are you according to the month in which you are born

January- ladies are serious and conservative, but also very ambitious. Many want to criticize. Rarely get very nervous and angry, but if that happens, be sure not to be in their presence. They do not want to show feelings, so do not expect openness from them. They let only people to approach them, who believe that, are on the same intellectual level as them and who share their views on life.


These women have an abstract way of thinking. Not everyone can understand them. With their often changing mood, means you need to treat them with patience. On the other side they are terribly romantic! For the beloved man they would do anything. It is important to give feedback to them to the same extent. People who will betray them will never see them again.


They are very cute until you upset them. In such upset mood they are able to rip everything apart. Otherwise they are dedicated and loyal. To live with this woman is a real pleasure. Only a real man will perceive it. Typical for them is their strong charisma and charm that can cast a spell as soon as look at them. But they are hard to fall in love. They don’t accept men’s tricks like with other women.


These women are diplomats. They easily communicate, but sometimes know to pity themselves. Therefore you should pay close attention. In most of them lies terrible great jealousy, which once if it burst, you better move away. But if you win the trust of the April girl, she will make you the happiest man on the planet. They don’t open their soul to anybody, only to those who they think they deserve.


Women born in May are very persistent and faithful to their principles and are very nice, in a physical way. However, combined with the difficult character, they become dangerous to any man who falls in love with them. These women, men will remember as long as they are alive.


They are quite curious girls, very creative and communicative, only sometimes they exaggerate in speaking and often hurt others. But they believe that this is right – better truth to be told in the face, rather than spoken from the back. It would not hurt them to learn to think first, before they speak. In love are very dangerous players. Men are like plasticine in their hands.


These girls are very mysterious and do not allow anybody to come close near them. Besides that they are very honest and you will rarely see them boast and brag, no matter that are very intelligent, beautiful and at a higher level than the rest. Do not want conflicts and are polite to everyone. They often suffer for the past times. Moreover if this July-woman falls in love in you, the greatest mistake will be if you cheat her because you will lose her forever.


A unique combination of great heart and egoism…! Do not mess with these ladies, because sooner or later she will win. Despite being happy with an incredible sense of humor, they do not allow anyone to mock them. If this happens, you won’t know what hit you. They always want to be in the spotlight and never suffer from men’s attention. Men lose their heads in their presence.


They are kind, disciplined, beautiful girls but never forgive the one who will betray them. So be careful not to hurt them because they’ll revenge you. September girls want long relationships. They are not girls for one night. On the other hand they are very critically tuned towards their partner and ask of him to meet all their requirements. The man who would prove, he will win. Their mind does let them to make a mistake, no matter their heart wants the opposite.


Women born in October have an iron character, demonstrate strength and independence. But on the other hand they are very emotional. Rarely cry in front of other people. They are ultra smart and know it’s not good to do open your soul to everyone, knowing that people tend to abuse it. These women can conquer the strongest characters. Other women often hate them because they envy them.


November lady is always one step ahead of everyone else. They know to read and immediately recognize a lie. You should not play with these women because you will get the worst end of it. An important thing to know about these women – if you are ready to hear the truth, you never ask them for their opinion.


Impatient, too fast, but born with a lot of luck. These girls always find a way to get out of any situation as winners. They’re a lot of fun. They know how to lift the mood. Usually, it takes only a few minutes to conquer you. Their heart is great, people sometimes hurt them, but because God is on their side at the end they get what they deserve.

source : healthylif
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5 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better

The plants in the house do not only serve as decorations, but they are also useful for our health.

 Remember that they filter the air and provide oxygen in the air we breathe.

That is why we should opt for the right plants to place in our bedroom and sleep better.5 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better

5 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep Better

This list gives the best five plants that improve the night’s sleep.


You are familiar with the fact that lavender is widely used in the production of shampoos, soaps, scented clothes and so forth. Maybe you are less familiar with the fact that lavender is excellent for treating anxiety and insomnia. Inhaling the lavender smell provides soothing, sedating effects and that is why it is very beneficial for us to inhale the fragrance from lavender plants, especially while we sleep and before sleeping.

Aloe Plant

Not only for soothing scars, burned skin and inflammations, aloe is also great for body detoxification. Having it in your home also offers many benefits, including eradicating chemicals from the cleaning agents that pollute the air you breathe, cleansing the air in the bedroom and in the whole house. This plant works as a harmful chemicals detector, because once the amount of these dangerous chemicals in your home becomes high, brown spots appear on this plant and thus it informs you and warns you about the seriousness of the situation.

One of the plants confirmed to be efficient and beneficial in helping you sleep better in a natural way. It has numerous positive properties: it decreases the level of anxiety, improves the quality of your dream and the mood upon wakening. It also strengthens the features of your bedroom.

Snake plant

This plant purifies the air in your home and provides huge amounts of oxygen. This makes it highly recommended to be part of your home. The production of oxygen happens especially at night time, a process that requires taking in of carbon dioxide at the same time, a product of our breathing, and this makes it ideal for your bedroom. You will always have something to purify the air you breathe while you sleep.

English Ivy

We can almost say that this plant is the best for air purification, because it is the plant that absorbs the greatest levels of formaldehyde. It is very simple and easy to grow English ivy in your home, since it does not require too much sun light, and it survives in moderate temperature. Last, but not least, the English ivy is the best plant you should keep in your bedroom that will improve your sleep.

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She Gave Her Husband 1 Tablespoon Of Coconut Oil Twice A Day For A Month. You Won`t Believe What Happened!!!

 More and more people deal with cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes type 2 in the US every day.

Furthermore, according to scientists’ warnings, it is very likely that by the year 2050, 15,000,000 of Americans will have developed Alzheimer’s disease.She Gave Her Husband 1 Tablespoon Of Coconut Oil Twice A Day For A Month. You Won`t Believe What Happened!!!

She Gave Her Husband 1 Tablespoon Of Coconut Oil Twice A Day For A Month. You Won`t Believe What Happened!!!

Mary T. Newport, M.D., is a neonatal practitioner and she has been studying all the scientific literature about Alzheimer’s during the last ten years. What she discovered is that the medium chain triglycerides (MCT) that coconut oil contains can be an amazing remedy when it comes to preventing and slowing down of the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Mary’s husband, Steve (58), has been suffering from progressive Dementia for over five years. His MRI results show that the disease was likely to develop in Alzheimer’s disease.

He has been dealing with major memory problems, like inability to find a spoon or inability to get water out of fridge. He has also suffering from depression. Studying the Alzheimer’s literature, Mary has found out that depression can often be e precursor of Alzheimer’s disease.

Why is MCT Important?

When there is a glucose insufficiency, the body cells of people use ketone bodies as a fuel. Brain cells are known to be the most selective cells in the body because they are restricted in terms of what type of fuel they are going to use to stay alive. Normally, they use glucose, but in some cases they can also use ketone bodies. In general, the human body does not contain and does not have these bodies to make them available for the brain to use them.

What exactly happens in Alzheimer’s disease?
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Cashew Nutrition: Absolute the Best Treatment for Depression without Medication

Cashew nuts are considered to be one of the healthiest foods in the world. 

Unfortunately only a small percentage of the database for natural medicines comprehensive is dedicated to this amazing nut. 

In order to grow, cashew nuts need humid and hot climate, which is the reason why some countries, such as Tanzania, Nigeria, Brazil and Mozambique, are the largest producers of Cashew Nuts in the world.
5 Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts
#1. These nuts possess an abundance of calories. About 50 grams of these nuts contain 275 calories. In addition to that, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, soluble dietary fiber and numerous phytochemicals that prevent severe diseases, including cancers.

#2. Cashews are also filled with monounsaturated fatty acids, such as palmitoleic and oleic acids, which are great for the heart’s health. They belong in the group of essential fatty acids which can decrease the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL) and also increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL) in our blood.
Scientific studies have proven that the well known Mediterranean diet, which is based mostly on monounsaturated fatty acids, can help organism system protect itself from coronary artery disease and strokes by supporting the blood lipid profile.
#3. These tasty nuts are also rich in essential minerals. Some of the most useful minerals that can be found in cashew nuts are potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, selenium and iron.
By consuming just a handful of cashews daily you will provide the necessary amount of the abovementioned minerals and protect your organism from deficiency-related diseases. Selenium is a highly important micronutrient and it works like a co-factor for antioxidant enzymes, such as Glutathione peroxides, which is known as one of the strongest antioxidants in the human body. Copper also acts as a co-factor for many important enzymes such as cytochrome c-oxidase and superoxide dismutase. Zinc, on the other hand, plays the same role with enzymes responsible for regulation of the progress of digestion, DNA synthesis and gonadal function.

#4. Cashews can be quite useful due to their numerous essential vitamins, such as pyridoxine (vitamin B6), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), thiamin (vitamin B11) and riboflavin. Just 3.5 Oz (100 grams) of these nuts will provide about 30% of the daily recommended levels of B6 (that is about 0.147 mg). B6 can significantly lower chances of developing homocystinuria and sideroblastic anemia.
On the other hand, niacin improves protection against dermatitis or pellagra. In addition, aforementioned vitamins are crucial for fat, protein and carbohydrates metabolism at a cellular level.
#5. Furthermore, cashews also contain a very small quantity of zeaxanthin, which is a very important pigment of flavonoid antioxidant. Zeaxanthin is selectively absorbed inside the retinal macula in the eyes. It is believed that it provides antioxidant and protective UV ray filtering features and also that it protects us from ARMD also known as “age-related macular degeneration” in old people.
Besides all the above-mentioned benefits of Cashew Nuts, they also are considered to be one of the best alternative treatment for depression.
How Treat Depression Naturally – A Basic Guide to Cashew Nutrition
Cashew nuts are more than great source of tryptophan, which is a vital amino acid our body needs to take it throughout the food. This amino acid helps children develop and grow, regulates mood, balances our behavior, improves sleep and can significantly lower the level of stress, anxiety and depression.
Just two handfuls of cashews contain somewhere between 1.000 and 2.000 mg of tryptophan. This compound has been proven to be as equally successful as prescription antidepressants. The best thing about treating depression with cashews is that you will surely avoid side effects that are usually caused by antidepressants. Of course, this is yet another thing big pharma carefully hides from us.
According to FDA Deputy Commissioner for Policy’s David Adams, who was part of the Drug Information Association Annual Meeting back in 1993, we need to pay close attention to the things happening around the legal arena and dietary supplements. If producers of natural remedies manage getting the support, there will most likely be a completely new class of products, which will be competing with the already existing drugs. This is why we need a special law that will have the function to regulate the supplements.
In addition, back in 1993, FDA Dietary Task Force has released a report saying that the selling and existence of dietary supplements will not jeopardize efforts for creating new drugs.
As you are probably aware by now, big pharma is a huge business. However, there is much effective and safer natural depression treatment they want to hide from the common people because thus they will lose lots of money.
An introduction to Cashew Nut Allergy
Beside allergies caused by eating walnuts, almonds and other nuts, cashew nut cause allergy in both adults and children and is one of the commonest food allergies. Same as peanuts, cashews can lead to occurrence of some very severe allergic reactions, even if the individual has consumed just a small quantity of cashews.
The healthy nuts we dedicate this article to are a hidden ingredient in many common foods such as ice cream, cakes and Asian dishes. Anyway, if you ever experience symptoms of cashew nut allergy, it is mandatory to look for professional help.

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How to Treat and Remove an Ingrown Toenail Yourself at Home (Works 100%)!

Ingrown can be a very discomforting and bothering problem which occurs on the toe.

 An ingrown is a part of the toenail that grows inside your toe skin. It’s very discomforting and is something which you don’t want to experience.

So, because of that is crucial for you to know how to get rid of an ingrown toenail in order to avoid this unwanted feeling.

How to Treat and Remove an Ingrown Toenail Yourself at Home (Works 100%)!
How to Treat and Remove an Ingrown Toenail Yourself at Home (Works 100%)!
How to Treat and Remove an Ingrown Toenail Yourself at Home (Works 100%)!

The key for treating an ingrown toenail is actually to make it grow normally. Most of the people who suffer from ingrown toenail think that by cutting the ingrown all the problems will be solved. But, actually the most effective way to get rid of ingrown is by curing the toenail perfectly thus allowing the nails to start to grow normally. With a cotton ball and tweezers, you can take care of the ingrown toenails easily.
One of the best natural ways to cure your ingrown toenail is to soak your feet in a warm water. You should adjust the water temperature to suit you so it will not harm you. This is very important because the ingrown is best treated when it’s softer. By inserting a cotton ball with tweezers between the ingrown and the skin, you’ll help the nail to start grow normally and not inside the skin. You should change the cotton ball every time you soak your feet in the warm water. Check this link > wikihow to see more ways and pictures that will also help you to do this process correctly and get a healthier and cleaner toenails without ingrown and pain. Have a nice day and get your toenails cured!
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Ginger Tea: Dissolves Kidneys Stones, Cleanses Liver and Kills Cancer Cells – Recipe

Due to its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, ginger is considered to be one of the most powerful foods of the 21st century.

Ginger is rich in Vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals which make it extremely beneficial for your overall health.

It is well known by its long history of use for improving digestion and immunity, relieving pain and fighting cardiovascular diseases, asthma and many other health issues.


A cup of hot ginger tea beats cold in winter more efficiently than any other beverage. Ginger tea offers a great number of health benefits, among which are the following:
  • Ginger can fight infections and enhance the immune system since it is rich in  antioxidants
  • it is efficient remedy against virus that causes influenza, colds and cold sores
  • due to its warming properties, ginger can improve circulation, as well as oxygen, vitamins and minerals delivery
  • ginger can relieve pains, treat sore muscles, cold, flu and headache
  • ginger tea has ability to reduce the risk of stroke
Ginger tea recipe
  • Organic honey
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • Coconut milk
  • A cup of water
Method of preparation:
The preparation of ginger tea is extremely easy. First, boil some water, add turmeric and ginger and let it simmer for 7-10 minutes. Next, add the milk and then strain the tea in a cup.
Add flavor to your tea and enjoy its valuable effects!


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A Recipe You Must Have: This Soup Is 100x Stronger Than Antibiotics

The numerous healing properties of this remarkable soup can help you with colds, ear infections, flu and other health conditions.

The three main ingredients for its preparation are: red onion, garlic and thyme.

The latest study from the University of  Washington has found garlic to be 100 times more powerful than the most commonly prescribed conventional antibiotics.
Moreover, all three ingredients have powerful antibacterial properties which can protect from viruses, colds, flu and other illnesses which weaken your immune system.
  • 2 large, minced onions
  • 50 cloves of garlic, cleaned and peeled (5 garlic bulbs)
  • 1 teaspoon of chopped fresh thyme
  • 1 cup of fatty sour cream
  • 1 bunch fresh herbs – parsley, thyme, bay leaves (you can use dried spices)
  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 6 cups (250 ml each) of clear chicken soup (as a base)
  • 3 cups old bread, cut into cubes
At first, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Cut off the tops (1/3) heads of the garlic and wrap the garlic together with olive oil in aluminum foil, and bake it for 90 minutes. Then, allow it to cool off.
In a pot over medium heat, add two tablespoons of olive oil and butter. Stew the onions for 10 minutes.
Then, add the already baked garlic to the stewed onions. Stir, add the chicken soup, the chopped thyme and add fresh or dried herbs.
Now lower the heat, add the snippets from bread and allow it to stew for five minutes until the bread becomes soft.
Take out the herbs and stir the soup in a blender or a hand mixer until you obtain creamy and homogenous mixture. In order to enrich the flavor, you can add sour cream and salt.
Enjoy in both- this delicious soup and your health!
Other included sources linked in Just Natural Life’s article:
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Forget the silicones: Six plants that cause breasts growth!

These days plastic surgery has become so modern and fashionable that many women think of it as a necessity.

Still there are natural ways for the sake of health, to make your breasts grow. It is about some uncommon plants, which have a powerful impact on breast size.

Forget the silicones Six plants that cause breasts growth!

The first plant of this list is a seed with origin from Greece, named fenugreek.

Fenugreek seed can be bought from herbal pharmacies. They are ought to be soaked in water overnight and the second day you should use the water from it to massage your breasts.

Greater burdock is well known for its health beneficial properties and also has an impact to breast tissue and the reproductive system. It increases the blood flow in breasts.
When it comes to colic troubling babies, fennel is often used as a tea for calming. However due to its compounds such as anethole, dianethole and photoanethole it increases estrogen in the body. Also it has phytoestrogens which can increase the amount of milk for nursing mothers and stimulates growth of breasts.

Licorice has the same compounds, so utilizing it will bring results the same as fennel would.

Anis is a Chinese herb that is used as a seasoning, but the ingredients in it affect breast growth, so you can start to use it more frequently for this purpose.

Anis is a seasoning herb used by the Chinese. Nonetheless due to its composition it also affects breast growth. Use it more often for results.

And finally the last one of this list is Pueraria Mirifica a plant with origin from Thailand. Many creams for anti-wrinkle are made from this plant and in addition it is the active ingredient of creams and pills for breast growth.

Source : cuisineandhealth
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This will shock you, but this juice successfully prevents cancer, diabetes, gastritis and lowers blood pressure

Scientist have proven that juice of potato is more effective than any medicine and can treat cancer, diabetes, gastritis, high blood pressure and many other serious diseases.

Beneficial properties of raw potatoes have been known to folk medicine for centuries, but despite that, we still think it shouldn’t be used in raw form.

We are making a big mistake, because in its raw form, potatoes are healthy and enormously useful food.

This will shock you, but this juice successfully prevents cancer, diabetes, gastritis and lowers blood pressure

With many mistaken belief regarding the consumption of potatoes, it is worth to mention that the main opinion is that it is necessary before eating to peel off the potatoes, because its shell is poisonous.

In fact, the shell of organic potatoes doesn’t contain any kind of substances that can harm your health.

The dangerous one are the immature potatoes with green skin and potatoes sprout. The danger is in solanine – the poison that occurs in germ and green parts of potatoes. But, in that kind of potato you can remove the shell before use.

Potatoes as a cure for many serious diseases

Numerous specialists, for example, John Lesindzer and Dr. John Tucakov, explained the healing properties of potato juice.

Lesindzer thinks that the juice from potato is a natural pharmaceutical for the treatment of gastritis, one of the most well-known sicknesses of modern times.

He suggests taking one tablespoon of potato juice weakened with a little water, 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For treating duodenal and stomach it is recommender to take half deciliter of potato juice on an empty stomach, and half deciliter 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Dr John Tucakov claims that the juice of the potato beneficially affects the blood sugar levels, and in the treatment of lung sicknesses and respiratory infections and even extreme ailments, for example, emphysema.

Buddhist friar Tomizawa, writer of the book “The street to a sound way of life: Cancer is nothing to fear,” as indicated by daily utilization of half a pint of potato juice can enormously add to cure cancer and different serious ailments.

To conclude on the productivity of potato in the battle against growth, is increasingly coming through scientific examination.

Kagamine Professor of Medicine University of Akita (Japan), has achieved to separate the substance of raw potatoes, which showed to be effective in destroying the growth of tumor cells in mice. The results of this were published in the International Congress for the fight against cancer, which was held in Germany.
Juice of potato is used as a part of the famous Broy’s cancer therapy.

Today, the potato is gaining significance as a effective tool in the battle against illnesses of the kidneys and liver, and also in cases of heart illness, hypertension, diabetes, lumbago, rheumatism etc.

Despite the beneficial outcomes in the treatment of serious illnesses, drinking juice of row potato is a magnificent tool for boosting the immunity.

Also, it helps in decreasing the common headaches and menstrual pain.

If you feel week or tired, drink juice from one medium-sized potato, carrots and apples, once every day in the morning and evening, and in just two weeks you will be back to the great health condition.

Benefits of the juice of potatoes:

    Boosts immunity
    Cleanses the body of toxins
    Treat skin diseases
    Used to fight cancer
    Helps with gastritis and other stomach problems
    It lowers blood sugar
    Aids in liver and kidney ailments
    Protects against cardiovascular disease

The peel from the potato is helping to the detoxification of the body and it is rich in many nutrients.

If you consume unpeeled potatoes, particularly raw, your body will get a lot of valued ingredients, like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins C and B6, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

It is important to note that while cooking it loses the vitamin C, which is really a great disappointment, as one medium sized raw potato (150 grams) has 27 mg vitamin C, which makes 45% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin.

Between other things, the potato is very effective against some skin problems and gives a clean and radiant complexion, and skin with no acne and blackheads.

Because of its antiseptic properties, it’s great cleanser for skin problems, and because it has a high percentage of vitamin C and starch, nourishes the skin and prevents its mature. If you grind and put as a face mask, it will tighten and clean your skin.

Additionally, it can help in the battle against cellulite. For this, it is enough to regularly massage critical areas with slices of raw potato.

Preparing juice of potatoes

Preparing potato juice is very easy. Wash the potatoes and eliminate all the seeds and green parts of the shell.

Cut into thin slices, wrap in a fabric cloth and squeeze the juice. Also you can use the juicer.

Always drink a freshly prepared juice from potatoes. You can mix it with fruit or vegetables of your choice, like apples and carrots, lemon juice and honey for better taste.

Source :cuisineandhealth
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Make A Golden Mixture – The Strongest Antibiotic And Anti-Cancer Remedy (guide for the preparation and method of use)

This miraculous mixture of ingredients is also known as the “golden mixture”, due to its remarkable health properties, and appearance that reminds of gold. Its recipe is simple and easy.

This strong antibiotic combination is recommended in cases of bacterial and viral linked health issues. Moreover, it also prevents cancer and strengthens the immune system.

This amazing remedy is so powerful due to the extraordinary properties of its ingredients, turmeric and honey. These both are also responsible for its epithet “golden”, since they provide this color to the combination.
Honey and turmeric are one of the best natural remedies, and their combination possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anticancer properties. It also has the ability to improve both red flora and the whole digestion process.
What is very favorable about its use is that, unlike drugstore bought chemical medicaments, the golden mixture does not cause any side effects.
  • 1 teaspoon of finely grated lemon rind
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric
  • 100 grams of organic honey
  • 2 tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar
  • A pinch of black pepper
In a bowl, mix the turmeric, apple cider vinegar and black pepper. Then, add the lemon rind, and finally the honey. Stir all well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Place the prepared mixture in a glass bowl and store it in the fridge.
In order to benefit from this golden mixture by strengthening the immunity, improving your overall health and to prevent cancer, you need to take one tablespoon on a daily basis. In order to gain best results, consume the remedy in the morning.
In cases of a cold or some other infection, do the following procedure: take half a teaspoon of the mixture on every hour, during the first two days. In the following two days, consume half a teaspoon of the remedy on every two hours. After the fourth day, consume half a teaspoon three times a day. Repeat this procedure until you completely eliminate all symptoms.
In order to benefit from this remarkable, healthy combination, it is vital for you to consume it properly. Put the remedy in your mouth and wait for it to completely melt. After swallowing it, wait several minutes before you drink anything else.
Furthermore, you can also consume it as a breakfast or you can add it in a tea.  Simply spread the golden mixture on a piece of bread and eat it in the morning. In case you consume it in your tea, to prevent loss of its effect, make sure the tea is not too hot.

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Turmeric Kills Cancer – Not Patients and Better Than Chemo

According to many studies, turmeric extract, commonly known as curcumin, is more effective and 100 times less toxic than chemotherapy.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that curcumin has stronger effects in destroying colorectal cancer cells than the conventional pharmaceutical medications.

The strong anti -- carcinogenic characteristics of curcumin have been confirmed by British scientists for the first time. This research was published in the monthly edition of Cancer Letters. Namely, their team has discovered that it can boost the effects of chemotherapy in patients with colorectal cancer. What’s more, this extract is more effective when used separately.
Scientists tend to prove that curcumin, which is the most important polyphenol in turmeric, is more effective than chemotherapy. The study showed that curcumin is highly effective in treating colorectal cancer and causes no side effects.

Undoubtedly, this is a very important breakthrough, since it is the first time that the anti-carcinogenic properties of curcumin have actually been confirmed, based on the results of chemotherapy, including 5-FU and oxaliplatin treatment, in patients who recuperated.

Moreover, these scientists found that turmeric is more effective when is used on its own, since it destroys the cancer stem cells that create spheroid structures. When compared to treatments with oxaliplatin and/or 5-FU, curcumin showed better results in reducing the number of spheroids.
Nevertheless, these claims need further research. Hence, before deciding to try any kind of treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.
Other included sources linked in Natural Medicine House’s article:
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Recipe for baldness: Hair begins to grow after two days! (RECIPE)

This is an old recipe that has helped a lot of people, and you just need three ingredients.

This recipe can be used by both men and women. Mix these ingredients every day and don’t worry.

Recipe for baldness Hair begins to grow after two days! (RECIPE)

Put one teaspoon of cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey in hot olive oil, and stir well. Rub the resulted mixture on the hair roots and leave it to stay for fifteen minutes.
In a few days the hair roots will be stronger and the hair will stop falling!

Source :

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Here Is How This Women Quickly Lost Lot Of Weight The Natural Way By Drinking THIS JUICE Daily For 2 Months!

Recently, about a few months ago, a study was conducted by the Taiwan University.

This study involved women of different age, origin and weight, who were given a glass (250 milliliters) of tomato juice on a daily basis for two months.

The scientists were amazed by the results they got. They have noticed that the women who participated in the study had lost stubborn fat and reduced their weight significantly.

The most interesting fact is that the women who participated in the study did not make any changes in their lifestyle or the dietary habits and the results were visible only after a couple of days.

Here Is How This Women Quickly Lost Lot Of Weight The Natural Way By Drinking THIS JUICE Daily For 2 Months!

Blood samples were taken from the women before and at the end o the study.

The test results have shown that the level of cholesterol was lowered. Also, the presence of lycopene, a tomato agent that also acts as cancer prevention, was increased. This meant that the overall health of the participants who took this tomato juice was improved, thanks to the consumption of this healthy vegetable.
The study has also shown that consuming tomato juice can prevent development of numerous other diseases, including coronary diseases and improve the immune system. This is a very potent juice and by consuming it, you take care of your heart, lung, liver, and digestive tract health and you reduce the risk of urinary blood illness and get rid of the excessive liquids.

Moreover, this drink has many other beneficial features. It is very helpful for anticipating pallor, it helps with hack and enhanced skin appearance, and it reduces rheumatic symptoms.

This beverage is also abundant in magnesium, which makes it great remedy when it comes to muscle spasms after certain physical activity. 100 grams of tomato contain 11 milligrams of magnesium.

Tomato juice also contains vitamin C in great quantities, as well as herbal proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium etc. this means that this vegetable should become a must in your daily dietary regime.

For the preparation of the tomato juice we talk about, you will have to use the following ingredients:

2.2 pounds (or 4 kilograms) of tomatoes

2 tablespoons of salt

4 tablespoons of sugar


first wash the tomatoes well, and then remove their petioles. Grind them and put them in a glass container, like a bowl for example, and add the salt and the sugar to them. Cook the mixture for about ten minutes, stirring frequently, and when the cooking is done, wait for the juice to cool off. Pour the cooled juice in glass jugs and close them well. Keep the tomato juice in the fridge or in some other cool place.

Source : yourhealthypage
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With Just 4 tablespoon Of This Mixture You Can Cure Cancer for less then a Month !

Cancer is the cause of over 1,000,000 deaths in the United States since the beginning of 2014 and is becoming more of a threat with each passing day.

The diagnose rate is three times the fatality and is happening in new places where doctors may not have technologies to properly remove them.

Recently however, a Russian scientist by the name of Hristo Mermerski has released the formula for a full cancer fighting recipe that focuses on the use of the young green wheat.
Focusing on using the proper vitamins, mineral salts, proteins, bioactive substances, carbohydrates and vegetable fats, the recipe calls for the following ingredients:
  • 15 fresh organic lemons
  • 12 fresh garlic bulbs
  • 1kg organic honey
  • 400g of young green wheat sprouts
  • 400g fresh walnuts

    With Just 4 tablespoon Of This Mixture You Can Cure Cancer for less then Month !

    Naturally, if you have an allergy to walnuts you should not take this remedy. So far this has been the most basic ingredients provided by Dr. Mermerski and no substitutes have been discovered. As far as growing your own young green wheat, the following is a step by step process to get it done
    • Put 400g of wheat in glass jar covered by 2 inches of water
    • Let sit overnight
    • Drain into strainer or colander after about 10-12 hours
    • Wash and drain
    • Leave drained wheat to stand for 24 hours in a bowl
    • At this point your should have sprouts with lengths of 1-2 millimeters
      • First, Grind all the grains, nuts, and peeled heads of garlic.
      • Then grind only 5 lemons and mix them all together
      • With the other ten lemons, squeeze the juice and combine with the rest of the mixture
      • Continue mixing until it becomes homogeneous
      • Next, add the 1 kg of organic honey and mix it with a wooden spoon for best results.
      • Put entire mixture into glass container and put in the fridge for three days.
      At this point your mixture is ready to start consuming! For regular age extending results, you should take this mixture by tablespoon four times a day, preferably before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. For actual cancer treatment, it is recommended that you take two tablespoons at once every two hours during conscious hours of the day.Whether or not this remedy is the real deal is still up in the air. There have been reports of higher energy and overall good feelings from everyone who has consistently taken this remedy so far.

      source : healthadvisor
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3 Easy Drinks To Detox Your Liver And Flush Out Fat

Things that harm your liver are food additives, over-the-counter pills, stress and environmental toxins.

This is why it’s very important to perform a liver detox every once in a while. Doing this will help your liver to recover and give it the much needed break.

An unhealthy liver can have a negative effect on your other organs and weaken your immune system in the process.

Here are 3 very effective drinks to help detox your liver and flush out excessive fat that’s been storing toxins for too long.

    Multi-Color Smoothie

– 1 bell pepper (any color)

– 3 carrots

– 1 medium cucumber

– half a lemon (peeled)

– 1 organic apple (with the skin)

Blend these ingredients altogether and drink the beverage at once. This detox smoothie has got high levels of vitamin C, A and dietary fibers, which are needed to flush out toxins. Having a glass or two a day is not only good for cleansing your liver but it will also help you improve your skin complexion and energy levels.

    Green Tea Citrus Mix

– Half a cup of cooled green tea

– half a lemon juice

– 1 banana

The powerful antioxidant called EGCG found in green tea acts together with the lemon juice to detoxify your body rapidly. EGCG is absorbed much better in the presence of vitamin C and potassium from the banana.

    Golden Liver-Flushing Juice

– half a teaspoon of turmeric

– a bit of ginger

– the juice of half a lemon

– half a cup of water

The combined benefits of these super-foods help you cleanse your bowels and prevent gallstones.

source : homehealth
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Prevent Sagging Breasts With These Natural Home Remedies ana

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Prevent Sagging Breasts With These Natural Home Remedies

dragan.admin July 21, 2015 Prevent Sagging Breasts With These Natural Home Remedies2015-07-22T16:10:03+00:00 Filed under Alternative Medicine, Health, Natural Remedies & Cures tagged in breasts, exercise, mask, sagging breasts No Comment

Every woman wish to have perfect shape of breasts through her life. Unfortunately, this is not possible in many cases.

The breast sagging is natural process which is happening with age, where the breasts are losing their elasticity and suppleness. Learning what is causing breasts to sag and attending this problem proactively could offer you a lot of help.


There are numerous home remedies for regaining firmness of a saggy breasts, including a regular pectoral massaging, exercises, plant oils, masks and essential oil in various forms.

Here are some tips how to maintain a saggy breasts:

    Sustain an optimal weight
    Drink plenty of water
    Lead healthy nutrition
    Massage your breasts with aloe Vera and pomegranate oil


Following, we are presenting you the best home remedies that will help you firm the breasts:

1. Breast Exercise

This is the easiest exercise for firming breasts! All you have to do are push-ups that strengthen the pectoral muscles under the breasts. To sum up, this exercise will help you shape up your breast and reduce excess fat deposits that are around the chest.

2. Breast Mask

Here is an incredible and very effective breast mask that you should use once a week for best results.

  Vitamin E Oil and Egg Breast Mask
Make a smooth paste consisting of:

    1 tablespoon plain yogurt
    1 tablespoon Vitamin E oil
    1 egg

Put the paste over the breasts and rub it in gently. Let it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

3. Massage

Massage the breasts at least two to three times a week with olive or coconut oil.

4. Ice Massages

Ice is helping to tone the skin, so you can rub a few ice cubes over the breasts with circular movements.

5. Plant Oils


Massage the breasts with coconut, grape, olive or vegetable oils.

6. Essential oils

Massage the breasts with spearmint, carrot, cypress, lemongrass or seed oils.

    Smoking and over-tanning
    Wrong sized or poorly fitting bras
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The Best Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat at Home Fast

If you have troubles with belly fat and want to get rid of it, get ready to make a few lifestyle changes.
If you are an overweight person, it would be difficult to accomplish this goal.

But, if you are determined to get the perfect belly, you have to make sacrifices and say goodbye to the sweet cupcakes, ice cream, burgers or pizzas.

 You need to focus on consuming only green leafy vegetables and foods rich in fiber. This is the only way you can reduce your waistline.

The Best Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat at Home Fast
Image Via Fotolia

Best Food to Reduce Belly Fat

Lower your consumption of food that is rich in carbohydrate and increase fiber intake. This food will help you reduce your waistline:
Avocados are great for reducing belly fat because of their high fiber content and monounsaturated fatty acids.
Replace carb-rich food with delicious apples. Consume this fruit three to four times daily.
Cucumber is a vegetable that includes low calories and high water content.
Vitamin E and fiber are highly present in almonds, which will make you feel full and lower your hunger.
This delicious fruit has 80% water and very few calories. Watermelon helps you easily get the desired waistline.
Beans improve digestion and strengthen the muscles. It reduces your hunger and prevents you from overeating. Also, this vegetable helps in toning your belly.
Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables will prevent water retention and also, they include fiber and low calorie content.

Do Exercises

However, besides eating this food, it is also important to do some exercises to decrease the excess belly fat. Here is one video with excellent exercises for flat tummy:

Video source: XHIT Daily

Additional Tips to Avoid Stomach Fat

Always have water with yourself
It is very important your body to stay properly hydrated because it motivates the process of weight loss.
Stay away from junk food
Junk food is the main cause for fat in your body because it is rich in calories and fat.
Do not consume soda water
Avoid these waters because they have certain calories that support fat accumulation on the abdomen.
Do not starve yourself
If you starve yourself, it does not mean you help the process of losing fat. You only need to lower the calories intake.
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How to Do 3 Day Complete Body Detox and Flush Excess Water and Fat Out of Your System

Detox should not scare you, because if it is done right it signifies diet that is rich in whole foods.

 You are preparing your body for a healthier and more natural lifestyle by removing artificial flavors and chemical substances from your diet.

Detox can help you lose some extra pounds, treat acne and other skin problems, and even more.
Here is a 3-day diet plan approved by Dr. Oz to detox and clean your organism.

How to Do 3 Day Complete Body Detox and Flush Excess Water and Fat Out of Your System
Day 1 Diet Schedule:
Start the day with a morning detox tea made with 1 green tea, 1 slice of lemon and 1 teaspoon of Stevia.
Your breakfast drink should consist of:
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seed
  • 1 cup of raspberries
  • 1 banana
  • ¼ cup of spinach
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon
Continue with ½ multivitamin and probiotic supplement.
Next on your menu is the lunch drink, followed by half a multivitamin and Omega 3 supplement.
For a snack take your favorite drink again and finish the day with a detox ultra bath. Prepare the bath with 2 and half cups of Epsom Salt and 10 drops of lavender oil.
Day 2 Diet Schedule:
Start the day with the same morning detox tea as in the first day.
Continue with breakfast drink, followed by ½ multivitamin and probiotic supplement.
The lunch drink consists of:
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 cup of kale leaves
  • ½ green apple
  • ½ lime
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • ½ cup of almond milk
  • 1 cup pineapple
Then, you need ½ multivitamin and Omega 3 supplement.
For a snack, repeat your favorite drink.
Continue with dinner drink and end the day with detox ultra bath.
Day 3 Diet Schedule:
Start the last day of the diet detox plan with the morning detox tea.
The breakfast drink comes next. It is followed by ½ multivitamin and probiotic supplement.
Then, take your lunch drink and for a snack repeat your favorite drink.
The dinner drink consists of:
  • ½ mango
  • 1 cup of blueberries
  • 1 and a half coconut water
  • 1 cup of kale
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon
  • ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of flax seeds
Finish the 3-day detox diet with the detox ultra bath and relax.
source : mylif
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Melt Belly Fat With Only One Cup a Day of This Amazing Drink

People in US purchase bananas more than other fruit like apples and oranges. We will show yousome great health benefits that bananas have:

Melt Belly Fat With Only One Cup a Day of This Amazing Drink

– Lowers the blood pressure
– helps with weight loss
– has anticancer effect
– improves digestion and many others.
Carbohydrates, which can reduce the weight, are the main contents of banana. One banana has 110 calories which makes it a very powerful fruit in terms of energy. They are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and minerals: potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese and fibers too.
Because of this after eating bananas, you will not feel so much hungry as you normally would and you will consume less of other food. Bananas are great for people who are used to eat large amounts of food and have an increased appetite, thus leading to weight loss.
Potassium is an essential electrolyte involved in the process of vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels), which lowers blood pressure. Because bananas are rich in potassium are very helpful for people who suffer high blood pressure. Also, researchers have found that potassium rich diet leads to lowering risk of dying from various reasons.
And here is the recipe for an amazing drink that melts belly fat:
1 banana
2 tablespoons flax-seed
1 orange
½ cup defatted yogurt
1 teaspoon coconut oil
¼ teaspoon ginger powder
2 tablespoons whey protein

Mix the ingredients in a blender. Drink this juice in the morning on an empty stomach, but make sure to drink a glass of lukewarm water before that.

source: healthylife
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They Couldn’t Figure Out Why Her Breath Was So Bad, Until Her Doctor Found THIS!

If you have bad breath even though your dental health is perfect, there might be a problem a little bit deeper.

They’re so called tonsil stones and about a quarter of the population has them. They’re pretty rank also

They Couldn't Figure Out Why Her Breath Was So Bad, Until Her Doctor Found THIS!

According to IJ Review:
The specialists affirmed that Beckler’s awful breath was being caused by tonsil stones — particularly, the microbes feeding on the tonsil stones, which discharge a gas with a foul, sulfurous odor.
Beckler had to get rid of the tonsil stones to treat the bad breath. Her treatment was laser ablation, an outpatient practice where the throat is numbed and the stones destroyed with a laser. Mostly the stones don’t come back.
Meghan Swann used a home-grown method to remove her tonsil stones. As she claim The New York Times, Swann thought she had something in her throat when pushing on her tonsil removed the stone.
Meghan talked with her mother (who had the same problem) and found that her tonsil stones can be removed by probing her tonsil with a Q-tip. She wrote the method on her blog because Swann discovered that there were many others who shared the same problem.
Dr. Lee Zimmer recommends gargling with a non-alcohol based mouth washing and a waterpark to blast the tonsils free of stones. It might be gross to think about, but better to fix it than pay no attention to it. Watch this video to learn more:

Sources :
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Here’s Why You Should Massage Your Feet Every Night Before Going To Bed!

Massage is proved and best way for relaxing. It is beneficial for proper functioning of organs in the human body and overall health. Massage boosts metabolism and it is really curing at the same time.

 It also improves the blood flow and triggers the secretion of sweat.

Have a look at the picture above, massage your feet and feel the difference in your body

Different parts of the feet represent different organ in the human body. Massaging the feet, especially before go to bed is extremely beneficial for you. This important habit provides the following positive effects:

    During pregnancy, it reduces the effect of edema
    Helpful for restless leg syndrome
    Improves your sleep
    Good for the skin
    It improves blood circulation
    Maintains proper function of the organs and treats numerous diseases

Have a look at the picture above, massage your feet and feel the difference in your body.

Source : torontomesh
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12 Dangerous Bedtime Habits That You Should Always Avoid!

Here are 12 things you might want to avoid at night, especially if you’re suffering from a lack of sleep.

12 Dangerous Bedtime Habits That You Should Avoid

# 1 Stop drinking before you go to bed! If you will beverage water within 1-2 hours of sleeping, you may need to wake up 2-3 times to go to bathroom.
#2 Avoid the routine for sleeping at any time of the day. Make a reliable routine and time of your sleeping, so that your brain will be prepared accordingly!
#3 Keep your electronic things away before you sleep. In the event that you will continue utilizing Facebook just before you go to sleep, your PC screen’s brightness will fortify your brain and will disturb your rest.
#4 If you have a habit of reading around evening time you should try to avoid it. You can read your book a little earlier and afterward keep it aside. You should never bring your book to bed.
#5 Avoid utilizing bright alarm clocks. It will likewise fortify your brain and will make sleeping complicated for you. You can choose alarm clock having dimmer numbers.
#6 Never go for less expensive mattress. A high-quality mattress will make you rest comfortably, and this will keep you fresh and sound. So utilize good mattress!
#7 Have your supper no less than 2 hours before going to bed. If you will sleep on full stomach, your body may keep you awake for digestion process.
#8 Exercise makes you feel fresh and lively. So quit practicing no less than 3 hours before sleep time.
#9 If your feet are icy, they will most likely make it difficult for you to rest. Try utilizing some heating pad or socks to make your feet warm.
#10 Make your body mindful about night time and sleep. Begin having a schedule, go to bathroom, brush your teeth and wash your face. Your body will prepare itself to rest.
#11 Do not drink cappuccino no less than 4 hours before you rest. Do you realize that caffeine fortifies your body and makes you feel fresh? So as opposed to taking it during the evening, take it when you have to stay awake!
#12 Adopt the best sleeping position, to abstain from having sore back and shoulder or even neck when you wake up. You should try to sleep on your side rather than on your stomach or back!

source : healthtips

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What Your Lips Say About Your Personality

There are many parts in our body that can uncover a thing or two about our identities.

What’s more, if you read them precisely, you will find that great deal of the things are true for you.

Whether a person has blue or green eyes, whether their fingers are long of short, or in the event that they have a mole on their face and which part of it takes, uncover a lot of things about your identity, even a few things that you did not pay attention to. Well, now you are going to discover something else about your identity just by looking at a certain part of your face. We talk about your lips. Presently you are going to discover what the protrusion of your lips tells about you.
What Your Lips Say About Your Personality
The main thing you have to do is look at your lips. Study them well in the event that you have missed to do it before. Furthermore, what you ought to pay attention to is its protrusion.
Seeing whether you upper lip is bigger than your lower one, or if the lower one is all the more protruding, will tell whether you are more naive or you are more serious, whether you like to stay low or to be the center of attention.
Here is the thing that your lip protrusion says about identity:

If your upper lip is more protruding

Standing in front of a mirror, looking at your profile will be the most straightforward approach to figure out which of your lips is additionally protruding. Obviously, you can ask a relative or a companion for help. Be that as it may, this works just for natural lips, in the event that you have silicon in your upper lip, which will make it bigger, it will not be realistic.
In this way, if it is pretty much evident that your upper lip sticks out, then it demonstrates that you are clear and honest. You despise being deceived, that is the reason you do not do this to individuals you care about however you likewise do not expect that some person may tell you a lie. That is the reason you are additionally a bit naive, you have confidence in all that you are told.
Many individuals may feel that you are stupid in light of this however they will be blind in regards to what your cerebrum is prepared to do. Many individuals like you due to your great heart. You are dependably there for your companions and the people in need.
You appreciate life, and you may live like each day may be your last. There is nothing you lament about, even the mistakes you made, in light of the fact that you realize that these are lessons life shows you, and you need to experience it to become a better person. Many people envy your smile that is always on your face. In any case, you likewise attract numerous positive individuals, and that is the reason you have a lot of companions.

If your lower lip is more protruding

In the event that your lower lip is bigger than your upper one when looking at your profile, then you are a part of the observant group.
You are very quiet some of the time and you like to study the reactions and thought of the people around you. You are an immaculate mind-reader. You can figure that a person is about going to do, just by looking at their reactions.
The main thing that you need to do is study them for quite a while. You brain is greatly sharp, that is the reason you will be great at working with individuals, particularly a job that includes talking and persuasion, similar to a business administrator.
You are likewise an incredible author. You can talk clearly and eloquently. Individuals simply stop when you are talking. That is the reason you can turn to writing.
Your words will reach many people, particularly if there are some significant things to let them know. You are likewise great at remembering situations, for this is responsible your perceptive memory.
You could some of the time be somewhat lonely. You want to surround yourselves with truths, books, encounters, as opposed to with individuals. Attempt to be more positive once in a while and to let go, in light of the fact that not all that matters in this world is a conspiracy. Life is made to be fun now and again, notwithstanding for thinkers. You have to figure out how to turn off your thinking button and you will appreciate the little things in life.

sorce : healthtips

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