Melt Belly Fat With Only One Cup a Day of This Amazing Drink

People in US purchase bananas more than other fruit like apples and oranges. We will show yousome great health benefits that bananas have:

Melt Belly Fat With Only One Cup a Day of This Amazing Drink

– Lowers the blood pressure
– helps with weight loss
– has anticancer effect
– improves digestion and many others.
Carbohydrates, which can reduce the weight, are the main contents of banana. One banana has 110 calories which makes it a very powerful fruit in terms of energy. They are also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and minerals: potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese and fibers too.
Because of this after eating bananas, you will not feel so much hungry as you normally would and you will consume less of other food. Bananas are great for people who are used to eat large amounts of food and have an increased appetite, thus leading to weight loss.
Potassium is an essential electrolyte involved in the process of vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels), which lowers blood pressure. Because bananas are rich in potassium are very helpful for people who suffer high blood pressure. Also, researchers have found that potassium rich diet leads to lowering risk of dying from various reasons.
And here is the recipe for an amazing drink that melts belly fat:
1 banana
2 tablespoons flax-seed
1 orange
½ cup defatted yogurt
1 teaspoon coconut oil
¼ teaspoon ginger powder
2 tablespoons whey protein

Mix the ingredients in a blender. Drink this juice in the morning on an empty stomach, but make sure to drink a glass of lukewarm water before that.

source: healthylife