f you are not into exercising, a perfect choice for you to lose weight and belly fat is by reducing
the cortisol amount in the body. The cortisol is hormone that is holding on fat in the stomach area.

the cortisol amount in the body. The cortisol is hormone that is holding on fat in the stomach area.
Following, you can read about 6 ways that are reducing cortisol levels, thus is helping to lose the belly fat without any exercising.
Sleeping is very important for normalizing the cortisol levels, and is having a huge impact on the metabolism and the weight.
Avoid sugar
Added sugar is so unhealthy. There are many studies which proven that when we are eating refined sugar the lover is flooding with fructose and that is turning into fat.
Consume more protein
The proteins are very significant nutrients to consume in order to lose weight, because proteins are reducing cravings about 60 % and boost the metabolism.
Cut carbs
The carb diets are so popular and very efficient for losing weight, they are increasing the weight loss up to 3 times more than the low fat diet.
Consume lots of fiber
In order to lose weight is important to consume lot of fiber, but it is also important to choose the right kind of fiber, such as viscous fibers, which can be found in vegetables and fruits.
Keep a food diary
To keep a food diary could greatly help you to stay on the track to consume enough fiber and protein through the day and to avoid the carbs.
There are many ways that you can do to lose weight and belly fat without exercising. But, it is significant to note that the exercising is effective and important, as well. The aerobic exercises are helping the weight loss very effectively and quickly. Additionally, the aerobic exercises are good for the health, because they are increasing the blood flow and improving the blood pressure, regulate the body and the sugar levels.
Source: womensbest.net