Get Rid Of Herpes Using A Simple Trick

Herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, manifested through small sores and blisters in the area around the lips.

 Antiviral medications may help you, but these are not the perfect solution for you. We suggest that you try this simple trick to get rid of the painful blisters.

Herpes simplex is relatively harmless, but the irritating viral infection often returns to the same place as a blister or sore. It is a really unpleasant esthetic problem, but you should not worry. We suggest that you try this simple trick, and believe it or not, all you need is a single garlic clove -- a product you always have in your kitchen.

Finely chop the garlic clove and apply it on the blister. Leave it for ten minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat the treatment for 5 times, and within 12 hours the sores will be completely gone. If the infection has affected a larger area, repeat the same procedure for 2 days.
Garlic strengthens the body’s defensive mechanism. It is rich in minerals such as calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Thanks to Its high content of allicin and vitamins, many consider it to be a powerful and natural antibiotic.
Moreover, garlic is amazingly beneficial for people with high blood pressure, and it is often used to break down fats in the blood. Garlic prevents the development of cancer, treats atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart disease, rheumatism, headaches, relieves stress, fatigue, bronchitis, chronic cough, asthma, eliminates toxins from the body, detoxifies the intestines, improves circulation and prevents thrombosis.
