Get Flat Abs-The 15-Minute Standing Workout for Perfect Abs!

This amazing fitness program that lasts for 15 minutes will engage your upper body entirely. And you’ll achieve that  without the standard abs workouts.

The popular fitness channel, FitnessBlender, presented a program that will allow you to burn one hundred  and two calories in just 15 minutes, thus it promised a better, more interesting, unique and different way of strengthening your abs than the other programs.

There are many advantages of this perfect fitness program, the first and one of the most important is that you don’t need some kind of special equipment, so that means you don’t need gym mats or weight sets for the abs workouts. You only need to prepare your standard workout clothes : T-shirt , shorts and trainers, and you’re ready for this fitness program.
What is very important for you to know is that you should do each workout for fifty seconds, and make a rest for ten seconds.
The following video includes seven exercises, and they promise a great and defined abs. Of course, you should also exclude the junk food and your bad habits and the results will come sooner and will be even better. So don’t wait, start with this program right now.

Video of the standing workout for flat abs = >